Notes from a Marine Biologist’s Daughter
This collection of poems pays tribute to a mother whose deep attentions to the natural world shaped the daughter’s ways of being and perceiving.
Notes from a Marine Biologist’s Daughter made me want to bow down and tap dance at the same time. It left me with a powerful (and lasting) feeling that, not only are we surrounded by quiet and not-so-quiet miracles, but we live inside and within a vast, complex, wonderfully inexplicable and explicable Being (called whatever you wish). There’s no pantheism or fancy posturing here. Just the astounding beauty of reality.
–Patricia Corbus, author of Woman with a Tree on her Head and Finestra’s Window
Saint Julian Press, Inc

Available at online bookstores or through your local bookseller! Over 80 color photographs.
The Everglades: Stories of Grit and Spirit from the Mangrove Wilderness
Scientists, photographers, paddlers, fishermen & women, adventurers, search-and-rescue volunteers–21 people who have a deep relationship with the mangrove wilderness of Everglades National Park tell stories of environmental value and threat, wild beauty, storms and strandings, shark encounters, manatee rescue and personal enchantment.
Interfacing with the Gulf of Mexico, Everglades National Park’s mangrove ecosystem is the most expansive in the western hemisphere and the largest continuous system of mangroves in the world.
Please direct media inquiries to Alyssa Messenger: amessenger@rlpgbooks.com
Learning Calabar: Notes from a Poet’s Year in Nigeria
“Learning Calabar is a wonderful tribute to the people and place of Calabar, a major port for the trans-Atlantic slave trade from the 1600s to 1840, and the first capital of Nigeria, until 1906. In poetry and prose, with an open mind and an attitude of solidarity, Sullivan bears witness to the struggles and triumphs of her contemporary Calabar neighbors. The long poem “Mary Okoi’s Garden” creates a striking portrait of working class “women’s power” in a West African context.”
—Ivor Miller, author of Calabar on the Cross River: Historical and Cultural Studies
and Voice of the Leopard: African Secret Societies and Cuba

Everglades Wilderness Waterway

Ecology II

Everglades: Forward and Poems

Poetic Inquiry: Contributor
Poetic Inquiry uses the processes of poetry to deepen understandings of social and natural phenomena.

Poetic Inquiry as Social Justice: Contributor
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