Poetic Inquiry seeks knowledge or understanding through the processes of poetry or represents new knowledge in poetic form. Poetic Inquiry, like all inquiry, is evidence-based.

Poetic Inquiry as Social Justice and Political Response
edited by Sandra L. Faulkner and Abigail Cloud (Vernon Press 2019)
“Learning Calabar: Notes from a Year in Nigeria” (Chapter 7)
by Anne McCrary Sullivan
“This book will have a massive impact in the field of qualitative inquiry…. Some absolute standouts for me were Sheila Stewart, Anne McCrary Sullivan, Sandra Faulkner and Kimberly Dark.”
–Michelle Reale, Arcadia University

Arts Based Research
Tom Barone & Eliot Eisner (Sage, 2012)
Anne McCrary Sullivan’s influential essay, “Notes from a Marine Biologist’s Daughter: On the Art & Science of Attention” appeared first in Harvard Educational Review (Summer 2000) and is reprinted here in Chapter 2.

Poetic Inquiry: Vibrant Voices in the Social Sciences (Sense Publishers, 2009)
edited by Monica Pendergast, Carl Leggo and Pauline Sameshima
“On Poetic Occasion in Inquiry Concretenesss, Voice, Ambiguity, Tension, and Associative Logic” (Chapter 10)
by Anne McCrary Sullivan

Artistic Ways of Knowing: Expanded Opportunities for Teaching and Learning (Jossey Bass, 2005)
edited by Randee Lipson Lawrence
“Lessons from The Anhinga Trail: Poetry and Teaching” (Chapter 3)
by Anne McCrary Sullivan